Frequently Asked Questions

We are pleased to know that you are interested in what we do.

Welcome to the future

The best and last business card you will ever have to buy, since unlike conventional cards your contact information can be updated directly from your digital profile.

It has NFC proximity technology, with which it will display your micro-website with just a tap with a compatible smartphone.

A unique QR code is also included that will allow you to be saved as a phone contact with all your data, in a simple scan.
And the best part: This QR code does not need an internet connection to work.

Image link
Solution for Teams and Companies

If you require multiple cards with the visual style of your company but with different names, telephone numbers and social networks, we can gladly help you carry out your request at a special price for companies.

Contact means:

Image Upload
Both your logo and the photographs of your services (which also applies to products) are conditioned to certain characteristics, for example:

1. Your images must be in the format: .PNG | .JPG | .JPEG | .WEBP

2. Your images must not occupy more than 5.9 MB of space

Both features are configurable from the camera app, both on iPhone and Android, see the following guides to get to this setting:

Text Fields
The text fields are also limited, but the conditions are different from those of the images, for example:

1. The fields marked with a * (asterisk), are mandatory for the preparation of your profile and card, so they must be filled with true information.

2. All text fields to fill in the form are limited to a certain number of characters (or letters), so if the character limit is exceeded in one or more fields, a colored warning message will be displayed in red color, so your problem might be fixed if you shorten the number of characters.

IDVCARD Personalization
Would you like to further personalize your card and/or your micro-website?

We are currently developing a method for all IDVCARD users to request a more detailed customization of the product.

While the development is finished, you can contact us via email directly from idvcard.com/en/contact. You can also schedule a video call (totally free) to let us know your requirements:

Schedule Video-Call Send an e-mail
Do the Problems Persist?
Contáctanos a través del apartado de Contacto oficial y un asesor te brindará asistencia sin costo alguno.
Contact Page

Tarjetas para Equipos

Solo llena los campos, elige una fecha / hora y nos podremos reunir para escuchar tu requerimiento.

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La tecnología Near Field Communication (NFC) es una forma de comunicación inalámbrica de corto alcance que permite el intercambio de datos entre dispositivos a una distancia de hasta 10 centímetros.

Para usar NFC, ambos dispositivos deben tener un chip NFC y estar cerca uno del otro. La tecnología NFC se utiliza en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, incluidos los pagos móviles, la identificación, el acceso a la ubicación, la transferencia de archivos y la configuración automática de dispositivos.

Una de las ventajas de NFC es que no requiere conexión a internet para funcionar, lo que lo hace muy útil en situaciones donde no hay conexión a internet disponible o donde se requiere una comunicación segura y privada.

Más Información - WikiPedia

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Los códigos QR (Quick Response, por sus siglas en inglés) son un tipo de código de barras bidimensional que se utiliza para almacenar información de forma digital.

Los códigos QR se pueden escanear con la cámara de un teléfono inteligente o tableta equipada con una aplicación de lectura de códigos QR, lo que permite al usuario acceder rápidamente a la información contenida en el código, como un sitio web, un número de teléfono o un mensaje de texto.

Los códigos QR se utilizan en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, como publicidad, marketing, identificación, control de inventario y seguimiento de paquetes, entre otros. Los códigos QR son muy populares porque son fáciles de crear, imprimir y escanear, lo que los convierte en una herramienta útil para cualquier persona o empresa que necesite compartir información digital de manera rápida y eficiente.

Más Información - WikiPedia

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Un micro-sitio web es un sitio web pequeño y específico que se utiliza para cumplir un propósito particular. A menudo, se crea un micro-sitio web para apoyar una campaña de marketing, promocionar un producto o evento específico, o para proporcionar información detallada sobre un tema en particular.

Los micro-sitios web suelen tener menos páginas que un sitio web convencional, pero están diseñados para ser altamente enfocados y efectivos para lograr su objetivo. Por ejemplo, un micro-sitio web para promocionar un evento puede incluir información sobre la fecha, hora, ubicación y actividades del evento, así como un formulario para comprar entradas.

Los micro-sitios web también pueden incluir características interactivas, como juegos, concursos y encuestas, para aumentar la participación del usuario. Debido a que los micro-sitios web son pequeños y específicos, son relativamente rápidos y económicos de desarrollar, lo que los hace populares para proyectos con presupuestos y plazos limitados.

Más Información - WikiPedia

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Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is a form of short-range wireless communication that allows data to be exchanged between devices up to 10 centimeters away.

To use NFC, both devices must have an NFC chip and be close to each other. NFC technology is used in a wide range of applications, including mobile payments, identification, location access, file transfer, and automatic device configuration.

One of the advantages of NFC is that it does not require an internet connection to work, which makes it very useful in situations where there is no internet connection available or where secure and private communication is required.

More Information - WikiPedia

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QR (Quick Response) codes are a type of two-dimensional barcode used to store information digitally.

QR codes can be scanned with the camera of a smartphone or tablet equipped with a QR code reading app, allowing the user to quickly access information contained in the code, such as a website, phone number, or A text message.

QR codes are used in a wide variety of applications, such as advertising, marketing, identification, inventory control, and package tracking, among others. QR codes are very popular because they are easy to create, print, and scan, making them a useful tool for any person or business that needs to share digital information quickly and efficiently.

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A micro-website is a small, specific website that is used to fulfill a particular purpose. Often, a micro-website is created to support a marketing campaign, promote a specific product or event, or to provide detailed information on a particular topic.

Micro-websites usually have fewer pages than a conventional website, but are designed to be highly focused and effective in achieving their goal. For example, a micro-website to promote an event might include information about the date, time, location, and activities of the event, as well as a form to purchase tickets.

Micro-websites may also include interactive features, such as games, contests, and surveys, to increase user engagement. Because micro-websites are small and niche, they are relatively quick and inexpensive to develop, making them popular for projects with limited budgets and timelines.

More Information - WikiPedia

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